Welcome to my website
This is my project on python done using turtle libary in python to create a snake game
Enjoy the game
Instructions to play the game:-
- Must have python installed,otherwise the game will not be run,if installed then ok otherwise here is python installtation link:-
- click the button "play the game"
- After that a pop windows will be shown on your screen which is a python file by the name"snake game"
- After clicking on the file the game window will pop-out
- This is how the game window will pop-out
- controls are the direction key in a standard keyboard of a pc or laptop
- This game unfortunately cannot be played in any mobile or tablets like devices
- Users who want to enjoy the game are requested to use laptor or pc devices
- If we want to end the game, we simply need to close the game window & the game will end
Rules of the game:-
- Main goal on the game is to increase the size of the snake by eating the red fruit
- We should make sure that the head of the snake does,nt touch any part of the snake's body
- If the head of the snake touches the body the game will end & we have to start from beginning & your current
progress will come to end
You are now ready to play the game,click here-
Thank you for playing,I hope you enjoyed the game
Come back soon:)